Experts Words for Core Concepts should learn in Selenium with Java

5 min readOct 14, 2019


If you want to get a nice job and a good salary as an Automation Test Engineer, obviously, you need to know the basics first, i.e. manual testing. It will build your expertise in this section. Then you need to go for the automation testing in detail.

It’s a common question, that will be asked by a prospective client, that where do you fit the Automation into your SDLC(Software Development Life Cycle).

Read Also: Learn Automation Testing — Become a great Selenium Testing Engineer

Many of us believe automation tests to be simply a part of QA phase of the SDLC, but to achieve the desired results automation must follow the complete cycle of its own known as Automation Testing Lifecycle(ATLC) i.e. a loop inside a loop.

Unless you know how a process could be beneficial, it would be satiric to apply it. So here are some advantages of ATLC:

  • Quality assured product deliveries with early detection of defects.
  • Test data optimization is assuring better test coverage and quality.
  • Robust and stable Automation framework is stressing on productive regression test cycles.
  • Faster Time to Market with an increase in efficiency in testing efforts, shorter release cycles, and reusable components and process.

Jeremy Roelfs

A few things off the top of my head.

1. Selenium Grid

2. How selenium works with continuous integration testing in Bamboo, AWS and any other big continuous delivery system.

3. Understand the differences in writing tests for different needs

a. certain tests can be written as scripts. Very QA friendly little scripts. Lots of plugins like cucumber and such

b. other setups include full testing suites. Like C# using the POM, can create a full testing application

c. still others may be in between a testing application and a scripting language. You see a lot of that in Java Selenium frameworks

d. And others might be running as unit tests

4. Page Object Model (POM)

Selenium is pretty easy to learn. It should not take you long. But then… to make it worthwhile…


No book or video can teach you everything.


1. Build you a simple little web app(c#/java… whatever you chose)

2. Build you a simple little testing app/framework (c#/java… whatever you chose)

3. Set up an AWS account

4. Fire up an EC2 instance and install Bamboo

5. Fire up an EC2 instance for your tests

6. Fire up an EC2 instance for your application

7. Then figure out how to Build, Deploy your web app and testing app

8. Next how to setup tasks and how the EC2 instances work together

9. Finally how to implement your Selenium tests…

The curve is steep, but you will come out knowing a LOT about so many aspects of architecture, VMs, AWS (which is great to know), etc…

Happy Programming!

Watch the Selenium webDriver Training with C# course overview now!

Also, View real time projects in asp net with c# in Hyderabad

Vinni Behl

by learning everything in the below list:

1. The first and foremost thing is Software Testing concepts. Test cases, Test scenarios, verification, validation, etc.

2. Coding concepts — You have to learn coding concepts/skills in any one of the language which Selenium support i.e., Java, Python, Ruby, C#, PHP. Currently, java is ahead in the race. Refer this link to learn Java for Selenium — Learn Java for Selenium Webdriver

3. Fundamentals of HTML — You should have very basic knowledge of Html, as while writing webdriver code you would need to find out locators of different web elements like text boxes, links, radio buttons, etc. So it would be good to have some knowledge of HTML.

4. Locators — There are generally 9 different types of locators by which you can locate a web element in Selenium, but most important is XPath. You should have sound knowledge of Xpath and other locators as well.

5. Selenium Webdriver — After learning any language, you have to learn Webdriver commands and their real-time implementation. You can refer this link — List of All Selenium Webdriver Commands for Test Automation

6. Unit Testing Framework: The next thing in your learning is a unit testing framework of the language you learned for Webdriver. Every programming language has it’s own unit testing framework like Java, the most commonly used unit testing frameworks are — JUnit and TestNG. Refer this link to learn TestNG — Learn TestNG for Selenium Webdriver

7. Automation Framework: Automation test engineers generally build an automation framework by using programming language, webdriver commands, and unit testing framework and then automate the test cases using that framework. They don’t write just linear scripts or one script for one test case. So, framework is a very important part of automation. Main reasons for using an automation framework over linear scripts are:

a. Code re-usability

b. Scalability

c. Reduce test code maintenance costs

d. Report generation

e. Gives the flexibility to integrate more tools under one umbrella

f. Increase test team’s speed and efficiency

Also, You need to Know about below Courses which are may give Add-on for your Professional career

Selenium WebDriver Training with Java in Hyderabad

Real time Project Training in ASP .NET, MVC — Dot Net course Hyderabad

Final Words:

Automation testing has a huge opening for the future and also the Presen And also So Company Companies Providing Good Package For the Domain.

You should Learn basic Java first and all elements of selenium webdriver such as Xpath, CSS selector, ID, name, Send keys, Click( ) and much more

Core Java, Basics, OOPS concepts including class, objects, constructors, and collections. is more than enough for selenium.

Go for selenium basics, then move to advances after simply, jump to the framework. now you will be an expert in selenium….

Selenium — simply, Selenium is an open-source testing tool for a web application, selenium automation testing is te better future for the testing field in IT Industry, API of selenium is very easy and efficient to use and to learn.

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